Waitlist Update Step One - Days Required Start Date Required How many days of care do you require each week? (Please note, to support positive outcomes for children, Tugulawa Early Education will only accept one day bookings where there is only one day available and will require families to move to two days as soon as another day becomes available) 1 2 3 4 5 Select the preferred days of your child's attendance. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Are you flexible with the above days? Yes No Please add any further detail outlining your requirements Step 2 - Child Details Child's First Name Surname Date of Birth Country of Birth Language/s Spoken at home Does your child identify as: Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander None of these Child's Immunisation Status Up to date Not up to date If not up to date, please provide further details below Has your child been enrolled in an Early Education Service before, or are they currently attending another Early Education Service? Yes No Step Three - Parent/Guardian Details Parent/Guardian 1 - Full Name Parent/Guardian 2 - Full Name Preferred Contact Number Preferred Email Residential Address Step 4 - Priority of Access Parent/Guardian 1 Work/Study/Training Status Working Full Time/ Part Time Studying or Training Full Time or Part Time Seeking Employment Stay at Home Parent/Guardian (Home Duties) Parent/Guardian 2 Work/Training Status Working Full Time/ Part Time Studying or Training Full Time or Part Time Seeking Employment Stay at Home Parent/Guardian (Home Duties) N/A Please check any boxes which apply to your child Children and Families who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Children whose family includes a disabled person Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Children and Families Step 5 - Additional Information to Support Your Child's Enrolment Does your child have any additional needs or requirements they need support with whilst attending the centre? (This may include food allergies/intolerances, medical conditions or diagnosis) Yes No If YES, please provide further information so we can better support your child's transition into the centre Are there any cultural inclusions needed to support your child whilst they are at the Centre? How did you hear about Tugulawa Early Education? Referral / word of mouth Internet search / website Facebook careforkids.com.au Step 7 - Acknowledgement of Information Provided to Tugulawa Early Education I/We understand that completing this form does not guarantee my child a position at Tugulawa Early Education. I/We have provided true and correct information and will keep Tugulawa Early Education updated if any of our details change. I/We understand that the information provided is to be used to support and assist my child's needs whilst attending the centre I/We understand that Tugulawa Early Education will ensure all information provided is kept confidential and has centre policies in place to ensure the protection of all this information. Send Thank you for taking the time to update your child’s details. An up to date waitlist allows us to move through the enrolment process quickly.If you have any questions about the waitlist, or the enrolment process, please email Lauren via laurenalexander@tugulawa.com.au.